The Eternal Flame Trail Head Seating Area Project


The Chestnut Ridge Conservancy in a  joint project together with Erie County Parks Department and Boy Scout Troop 285 of Orchard Park just completed Phase I of the Eternal Flame Trail Head Seating Area project.  On an unusually cold April 27th, Boy Scouts Troop 285 gathered their most able bodied, weather resistant troops to help in the clean up and stone edging of the Eternal Flame Trail Head for the purpose of creating a trail head rest area.  Erie County Parks brought in their heavy machinery to pave and lay the crushed stone for the trail head.  In Phase II, the CRC has purchased six benches and will be back with Scout Troop 285 on May 18th to complete the project with the assembly and placing of the benches, and additional landscaping to add a finishing touch to the rest area.  Check back in May from more picture on the finished project with benches and picnic tables.  

Thank you to Erie County Parks for the purchase of the stone and the significant crushed stone paving work.  And thank you to Scout Troop 285 for all their labor on the project!!